Thursday, September 3, 2009


I had such a hard time finding a song with a faster tempo that's nice for the processional. Something that would also match the song I'm coming out to. Then, I heard George Winston's version of "Joy". I love it! It's very happy and not so slow, so it's perfect for the bridal party to come out to.

"Joy" by George Winston

By the way, does anyone know how to add a video on this that's from YouTube? Something you don't have on your desktop to download...It's driving me nuts that I have to put the link on here instead of just the video.


  1. Hi Kathy,

    To add a video directly onto the blog, you click on "Edit Html" tab. Then, you copy the code from the "Embed" section under the "URL" on YouTube. Paste that code in the "Edit Html" section. Hope this helps. :) We're looking forward to seeing you and Ira this weekend.

  2. Thanks Beatrice! I'll try that for next time.

    I'm so glad you could make it! I hope you had fun!

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